Data-driven products helping benefits consultants succeed.

Handl Health's products enhance prospecting capabilities, ensure client retention and deliver tangible cost savings for both clients and plan members.

Dashboard visualizing an employer insurance report with various cost saving information and a bar chart.
Different insurance options for a colonoscopy procedure.

Meet Iris and Arke, tools that target the pinch points of employer healthcare costs.


AI-driven network analytics for benefits consultants.
Access trillions of healthcare prices from providers and carriers
Evaluate networks to understand cost and disruption risk
Receive ongoing analytics to proactively drive cost savings within the plan year


Real-time cost information for members.
Push intelligence and analytics to member tools to drive decision-making
Comply with CAA requirements through app-agnostic technology
Empower members with clear cost information

Instantly compare insurance networks for prospects or clients.

Use hospital and health plan price transparency data to evaluate networks and disruption risk to understand cost and ensure plan accessibility.

Three charts visualizing in and out-of-network insurance information.

Give plan members access to cost information when searching for care.

Empower members and drive cost savings with real-time cost information to compare prices across providers while being CAA compliant.

A summary of a future colonoscopy appointment with location, doctor, and cost breakdown.

Validated data you can trust.

Handl Health transforms publicly available healthcare price transparency data and makes it usable for benefits consultants through a 3-step validation process.

Diagram visualizing Handl Health's data validation process. This involves matching payor & provider datasets, benchmarking against medicare, and reconciling with claims. This leads to a rate-level confidence percentage.
Diagram visualizing Handl Health's data validation process. This involves matching payor & provider datasets, benchmarking against medicare, and reconciling with claims. This leads to a rate-level confidence percentage.

See the difference data can make.